Wednesday, October 20, 2010

family life

As Chris was walking out the door, I noticed that Parker had smeared something sticky on Daddy's pants. I told Chris to wait a moment as I ran to the laundry room to get a wet rag. Lyra toddled behind me sweetly and I only paid enough attention to her to dodge around her on my way back to Chris. I started rubbing out the smudge located awkwardly behind his knee on his pant leg and was quickly finished. I then looked over to see that Lyra had grabbed a rag as well and was intently scrubbing at the back of Chris's other leg.

Parker got up one morning and started signaling 'food' so we trudged downstairs and fed him breakfast. When he was done, he signaled 'all done' nice and clearly so I helped him down. He then started clapping, which was funny to me because it seemed like he was pleased with how well I had learned his signs. He toddled upstairs and watched as Daddy got dressed and signaled 'help' when he wanted a brush to comb his hair. Then he then started waving good bye. Apparently he was ready to go to work with Daddy that day.

I wasn't paying close attention and Lyra was out of Cherios on her tray. I could hear her bumping around, but I was getting the rest of lunch ready and by the time I had turned around, Parker was already reaching over with a Cherio in his hand. He was giving her some of his. The sweet little guy held it out patiently until Lyra had managed to get it in her hand. She smiled at him, then me, then at the prized Cherio in her hand.

Daddy came home and after the regular 10 min of Daddy hugs, tosses, tickles and chases, Lyra toddled up to Chris with a book of nursery rhymes. Chris sat down with Lyra cradled in his crossed legs and read them to her as she grinned, so pleased with the world, and snuggled into Daddy's chest.

Chris and I were in the car and he turned to me and told me that he thought I was so smart. Coming from someone as smart as Chris, it's a complement. Apparently the landscape design that I had arranged, combined with my opinion on practical and impractical elements of college... I think there was a smattering of politics in there, too... anyway, I don't think it was all that smart, but it made me feel appreciated and loved that he would say that.


  1. Oh my goodness I love your new blog header and the first picture in this post!!! You children sound just so cute...wish we could have met them.

  2. Oh guys, what a gorgeous photo shoot! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well! XOXO
