Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The airport

So yesterday I was all ready to start writing out infant schedules and ways to survive motherhood.  It seemed like I had a few easy tips that really have made motherhood a lot easier for me than I think it is for some.  Toady I think it was a totally dumb idea.  What an arrogant stupid idea.  Anyone as tired and irritable and unbathed as I am should not be giving advice to anyone about anything.

I think we have picked up another round of bugs from the airport.  We just spent the last two and a half weeks recovering from the airport.  are we really going to do this again? 

There you go.
I was also going to upload a bunch of pictures I had from our trip to Utah.  But the camera is upstairs and I am downstairs and I am too tired and grumpy to climb those stairs right now.  So here are some substitutes, which really are the same thing with only slightly different faces.

This morning I was telling Parker what I was willing to make him for breakfast : eggs, Cheerios, toast, or yogurt with bananas.  He said to me "does options are disappointing." 

I was rocking Ethan to sleep today when a tired and grumpy Parker climbed into the chair next to me.  'Great, now there are two grumpy baby boys snuggling me' I thought, as I tried to quiet Ethan.  Parker then took Ethan's hand and started whispering to Ethan, then kissing his hand and rubbing it.  Parker eventually fell asleep in the rocking chair next to me, still holding Ethan's hand. 

Sometimes I tell Lyra and Parker what Ethan and Esther are thinking, you know, just to help Lyra and Parker understand them.  So I was telling Parker that Ethan loved him and that he wished he had teeth like Parker and that Ethan loved Lyra and wanted to be big and strong like her.  That Ethan wanted to play with them sometime and that he wanted to be a good boy like Parker.  Eventually I ran out of things for 'Ethan' to say.  Really I do it mostly because I am filling dead air.  I didn't really thing that they were listening at all.  But when I stopped Parker asked me 'what is he thinking now, mommy?'  I am glad all my positive life futures are actually being listened to.  I really hope they learn to see themselves as the beautiful people I think they are.  I hope they love one another deeply.  I am so glad that as early as he could talk Parker was correcting me when I told him he was a beautiful boy that 'no, I'm a good boy' so matter-of-factly.  Actually now it is a little bit of a problem... I go to tell Lyra that 'if she is a good girl then we will ...' and she stares at me blankly and says 'but I am a good girl.'  I really hope they remember that when they can more fully understand what a 'good girl' is.  

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