Monday, February 8, 2010

Lyra hasn't been sleeping so well since Christmas and I think I have finally started to show symptoms of 'exhausted mommy.' I thought I would list my symptoms here and see if you guys think I have diagnosed myself correctly:

-I went to help the bagger guy load my groceries back into the cart and he started giving me a funny look. It was only then that I realized that I was just loading things back into the cart, un-bagged. A can of tomato sauce, a box of pasta, frozen peas and a container of mushrooms all rolled around loosely in the bottom of the cart, ready to be taken home solo.
- I can't remember if my phone number starts 832 or 823... and I actually had to call myself on skype to find out.
-as we were signing papers to put in an offer on a home, Chris had to look up my ssn because I could not remember if there was a four or a one.
- We got home and as Chris took the kids and watched the Superbowl, I slept the entire rest of the day and was still tired enough to sleep through the night.
- I put on a turtle neck shirt, with an admittedly large neck on it and could not tell if I had the waist flopping around my neck and the 'turtle' of the neck around my waist, or if I was wearing it right side up.
- I will say a simple sentence like 'I hope we don't need to bring apples' and be sure that the sentence is grammatically wrong.
- I will think that it is a perfectly rational assumption to think that the ache in my arm and chest are sure signs of pending heart attack.
- Someone will say something and I will reply 'I don't know, but ..' and say the exact thing that they just said.
- Chris has to tell me the same story four times before I can concentrate long enough to get the entire thing (He said that we could just talk about whatever was distractingly on my mind... but that is just the thing, there was nothing)
- Some guy waved at us as we passed each other in the church parking lot and I asked Chris who it was 'uh, bishop Peterson, our bishop' and then later at an activity I sat next to a woman who warmly greeted me by name and as I was wondering how I knew this woman someone mentioned bishop Peterson and I turned to her and asked 'who is Bishop Peterson?' Apparently I knew her because she was the bishop's wife. (Note: we have had Bishop Peterson over at our house.)
- I thought 'lariey' was a viable spelling of 'Larry'

I'll leave it at that before I loose all dignity, but to my credit, I made a caking good bison stew the other day. It was all cool and gusty out, perfect weather for a hearty stew and boy howdy, this one was good. I got a good wife point for that one.


  1. That is so funny. The only problem is that i do things like that all the time and I have no kids to put the blame on.

  2. Can't stop laughing. I would die to see you loading your groceries back in the cart. Hang in there. You're hilarious.

  3. oh, the stories we could swap =) I get so focused on loading things into the cart that I always forget to pay and start walking off and the cashier has to say "ma'am, you need to pay." This has happened multiple times. Seriously though, I hear you.

  4. Ha Ha! The other day the memory of you reading Baby Wise came into my mind. And I have to say THANK YOU again and again. That changed my(and Koven's and even Drew's) life!
