Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Children Youtube

 Aunt Barbara sent us a package yesterday.  It was a very big deal.  I wasn't there when they actually opened it, but the sound-effects book was in Parker's gleeful death grip all the way till bed time.  We only tore it out of his hands when Chris explained that the book had to go to bed, too.  Apparently somewhere else than in Parker's bed.

He actually looks really sober in these pictures.  But then, it is a 'scary book' so I guess that is appropriate.  How do I know it is a scary book?  Parker told me.  He knew all about it.

And here are some pictures for Laura.  She has been demanding them.  Apparently her dreams need more material to work with.

Lyra and Parker like to watch a few nursery songs and such on youtube.  It is actually really funny to see what they like and what they don't.   

This, for example terrifies Lyra.  Especially the lion.
This, makes parker run for me, palms sweating.  He just hates the elephant part.

They both, however, love this one:


  1. have you actually watched the animal noise one? that's insanely creepy... the owl? how is a kid supposed to imitate that? and the guy singing has a weird accent. Also, the elephant stresses me out in the clock one. That's an expensive clock! and the elephant just broke it! seriously, I get it.
    Ultimately, though, the train has no singing... maybe that should tip you off.

  2. Well, I just showed them to Michael, he was fine with the animal sounds, said the clock was "great" and would rather have watched Thomas the train. I have to agree, that train one is boring. He does, however, have a Big Bird clip he can't handle. I'll post it on my blog for you.
