Wednesday, September 17, 2014

quick quotes

'This is like taking a drink from the fire hose of cuteness.'
'Sarah, I really appreciate how good you are at following through, I am just really glad you weren't my mom.' - I had just spent the entire evening movie time sitting with Parker, in his room, because he didn't help clean up- Parker didn't like that.

Lyra was looking and looking for her poly pocket toy and finally gave up.  Later Ethan scooted up to her on his bike and, while sucking his little finger, silently handed her the poly pocket toy she had been searching for.  Then without saying a word, turned his bike around and scooted away.

Ethan and Esther were both finished with their candy - one each.  They both wanted more, and that was not going to happen.  Lyra walked up and gave them both equal portions of her remaining chocolate candy.  No fanfare.  Just called them over and gave it to them.

 Parker - ' Isaac loves only me.  He needs to sleep with me tonight.'

Esther- says 'ohhh' sweetly every time she gives a hug.  Apparently Chris and I say that often enough when she hugs us that she feels it is an integral part of hugging.  Esther is so animated.  Isaac will start crying and her eyes will get enormous, and she will say 'oh no!  baby tying!'  and then will pull at me till I go to pick him up.

I was brushing Lyra's hair this morning and she had particularly tangled hair.  I didn't have time, so I just barolled through.  Parker was watching and finally cried out, as if in pain 'enough!  stop!  no more!'  apparently the look of discomfort on Lyra's face was personal.

It was delightfully overcast this weekend and so we made a fire.  All four kids were thrilled.  Lyra then said, 'hey, we should say a prayer'  So all four kids knelt down in front of that fire, folded their arms and patiently waited as Lyra then Parker and then I (apparently I am the spokesperson for Ethan and Esther) said a prayer.  It was sweet and actually, very reverent.  Everyone took turns thanking heavenly father for the fire, our family and a few other more random things I can't remember.

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